OSM Manual Demo Guide

The manual demo is a step-by-step walkthrough set of instruction of the automated demo.

OSM Manual Demo Guide

The OSM Manual Install Demo Guide is a step by step set of instructions to quickly demo OSM’s key features.

Configure Prerequisites

  • Kubernetes cluster running Kubernetes v1.15.0 or greater
  • Have kubectl CLI installed - Install and Set Up Kubectl
  • kubectl current context is configured for the target cluster install
    • kubectl config current-context
  • Have a local clone of the OSM GitHub Repo
    • git clone https://github.com/openservicemesh/osm.git
    • cd osm

Build or Download the OSM CLI

Use the installation guide to install the osm cli.

Install OSM Control Plane

For the purpose of this demo, install OSM with permissive traffic policy mode enabled via the --enable-permissive-traffic-policy flag. By default, OSM will install with permissive traffic policy mode disabled and SMI Traffic Policy Mode enabled. Also by default, osm CLI does not enable Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger as a part of control plane installation.

Install OSM in permissive traffic policy mode with these features enabled:

osm install --enable-permissive-traffic-policy --deploy-prometheus --deploy-grafana --deploy-jaeger

See the observability documentation for more details about using Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger with OSM.


For details on how to install OSM on OpenShift, refer to the installation guide

Deploy the Bookstore Demo Applications

This demo consists of the following applications:

  • bookbuyer application that makes requests to bookstore to buy books
  • bookthief application that makes requests to bookstore to steal books
  • bookstore application that receives requests from clients to purchase books and makes requests to bookwarehouse to restock books
  • bookwarehouse application that receives requests from bookstore to restock books

When we demonstrate traffic splitting using SMI Traffic Split, we will deploy an additional application:

  • bookstore-v2 application representing version v2 of the bookstore application

The bookbuyer, bookthief, bookstore, and bookwarehouse demo applications will be installed in their respective Kubernetes Namespaces. For OSM to work, each application Pod must contain an Envoy proxy as a sidecar container. OSM can automatically inject an Envoy proxy sidecar into application Pods. Use the osm CLI to add Kubernetes Namespaces to monitor and inject proxies into using the osm namespace add command. Once the Namespace is added, OSM will monitor the Namespace for new Pods and automatically inject the Envoy proxy as a sidecar into each Pod created in the Namespace.

Create the Bookstore Application Namespaces

for i in bookstore bookbuyer bookthief bookwarehouse; do kubectl create ns $i; done

Onboard the Namespaces to the OSM Mesh and enable sidecar injection on the namespaces

osm namespace add bookstore bookbuyer bookthief bookwarehouse

Create the Kubernetes resources for the bookstore demo applications

Deploy bookbuyer, bookthief, bookstore, bookwarehouse applications:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/apps/bookbuyer.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/apps/bookthief.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/apps/bookstore.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/apps/bookwarehouse.yaml

Checkpoint: What Got Installed?

A Kubernetes Service, Deployment, and Service Account for applications bookbuyer, bookthief, bookstore and bookwarehouse.

To view these resources on your cluster, run the following commands:

kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
kubectl get deployment --all-namespaces

In addition to Kubernetes Services and Deployments, a Kubernetes Service Account was also created for each Deployment. The Service Account services as the application’s identity which will be used later in the demo to create service to service access control policies.

View the Application UIs

Set up client port forwarding with the following steps to access the applications in the Kubernetes cluster. It is best to start a new terminal session for running the port forwarding script to maintain the port forwarding session, while using the original terminal to continue to issue commands. The port-forward-all.sh script will look for a .env file for environment variables needed to run the script. The .env creates the necessary variables that target the previously created namespaces. We will use the reference .env.example file and then run the port forwarding script.

In a new terminal session, run the following commands to enable port forwarding into the Kubernetes cluster from the root of the project directory.

cp .env.example .env

Note: To override the default ports, prefix the BOOKBUYER_LOCAL_PORT, BOOKSTORE_LOCAL_PORT, BOOKSTOREv1_LOCAL_PORT, BOOKSTOREv2_LOCAL_PORT, and/or BOOKTHIEF_LOCAL_PORT variable assignments to the port-forward scripts. For example:


In a browser, open up the following urls:

Position the windows so that you can see all four at the same time. The header at the top of the webpage indicates the application and version.

Traffic Encryption

All traffic is encrypted via mTLS regardless of whether you’re using access control policies or have enabled permissive traffic policy mode.

Traffic Policy Modes

Once the applications are up and running, they can interact with each other using permissive traffic policy mode or SMI traffic policy mode. In permissive traffic policy mode, traffic between application services is automatically configured by osm-controller, and SMI policies are not enforced. In the SMI policy mode, all traffic is denied by default unless explicitly allowed using a combination of SMI access and routing policies.

How to Check Traffic Policy Mode

Check whether permissive traffic policy mode is enabled or not by retrieving the value for the permissive_traffic_policy_mode key in the osm-config ConfigMap.

# Replace osm-system with osm-controller's namespace if using a non default namespace
kubectl get configmap -n osm-system osm-config -o json | jq -r '.data["permissive_traffic_policy_mode"]'
# Output:
# false: permissive traffic policy mode is disabled, SMI policy mode is enabled
# true: permissive traffic policy mode is enabled, SMI policy mode is disabled

The following sections demonstrate using OSM with permissive traffic policy mode and SMI Traffic Policy Mode.

Permissive Traffic Policy Mode

In permissive traffic policy mode, application connectivity within the mesh is automatically configured by osm-controller. It can be enabled in the following ways.

  1. During install using osm CLI:
osm install --enable-permissive-traffic-policy
  1. Post install by updating the osm-config ConfigMap in the control plane’s namespace (osm-system by default)
osm mesh upgrade --enable-permissive-traffic-policy=true

Verify OSM is in permissive traffic policy mode

Before proceeding, verify the traffic policy mode and ensure the permissive_traffic_policy_mode key is set to true in the osm-config ConfigMap. Refer to the section above to enable permissive traffic policy mode.

In step Deploy the Bookstore Application, we have already deployed the applications needed to verify traffic flow in permissive traffic policy mode. The bookstore service we previously deployed is encoded with an identity of bookstore-v1 for demo purpose, as can be seen in the Deployment’s manifest. The identity reflects which counter increments in the bookbuyer and bookthief UI, and the identity displayed in the bookstore UI.

The counter in the bookbuyer, bookthief UI for the books bought and stolen respectively from bookstore v1 should now be incrementing:

The counter in the bookstore UI for the books sold should also be incrementing:

The bookbuyer and bookthief applications are able to buy and steal books respectively from the newly deployed bookstore application because permissive traffic policy mode is enabled, thereby allowing connectivity between applications without the need for SMI traffic access policies.

This can be demonstrated further by disabling permissive traffic policy mode and verifying that the counter for books bought from bookstore is not incrementing anymore:

osm mesh upgrade --enable-permissive-traffic-policy=false

Note: When you disable permissive traffic policy mode, SMI traffic access mode is implicitly enabled. If counters for the books are incrementing then it could be because some SMI Traffic Access policies have been applied previously to allow such traffic.

SMI Traffic Policy Mode

SMI traffic policies can be used for the following:

  1. SMI access control policies to authorize traffic access between service identities
  2. SMI traffic specs policies to define routing rules to associate with access control policies
  3. SMI traffic split policies to direct client traffic to multiple backends based on weights

The following sections describe how to leverage each of these policies to enforce fine grained control over traffic flowing within the service mesh. Before proceeding, verify the traffic policy mode and ensure the permissive_traffic_policy_mode key is set to false in the osm-config ConfigMap.

SMI traffic policy mode can be enabled by disabling permissive traffic policy mode:

osm mesh upgrade --enable-permissive-traffic-policy=false

Deploy SMI Access Control Policies

At this point, applications do not have access to each other because no access control policies have been applied. Confirm this by verifying that none of the counters in the bookbuyer, bookthief, bookstore, and bookstore-v2 UI are incrementing.

Apply the SMI Traffic Target and SMI Traffic Specs resources to define access control and routing policies for the applications to communicate:

# Deploy SMI TrafficTarget and HTTPRouteGroup policy
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/access/traffic-access-v1.yaml

The counters should now be incrementing for the bookbuyer, and bookstore applications:

Note that the counter is not incrementing for the bookthief application:

That is because the SMI Traffic Target SMI HTTPRouteGroup resources deployed only allow bookbuyer to communicate with the bookstore.

Allowing the Bookthief Application to access the Mesh

Currently the Bookthief application has not been authorized to participate in the service mesh communication. We will now uncomment out the lines in the docs/example/manifests/access/traffic-access-v1.yaml to allow bookthief to communicate with bookstore. Then, re-apply the manifest and watch the change in policy propagate.

Current TrafficTarget spec with commented bookthief kind:

kind: TrafficTarget
apiVersion: access.smi-spec.io/v1alpha3
  name: bookstore-v1
  namespace: bookstore
    kind: ServiceAccount
    name: bookstore
    namespace: bookstore
  - kind: HTTPRouteGroup
    name: bookstore-service-routes
    - buy-a-book
    - books-bought
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: bookbuyer
    namespace: bookbuyer
  #- kind: ServiceAccount
    #name: bookthief
    #namespace: bookthief

Updated TrafficTarget spec with uncommented bookthief kind:

kind: TrafficTarget
apiVersion: access.smi-spec.io/v1alpha3
 name: bookstore-v1
 namespace: bookstore
   kind: ServiceAccount
   name: bookstore
   namespace: bookstore
 - kind: HTTPRouteGroup
   name: bookstore-service-routes
   - buy-a-book
   - books-bought
 - kind: ServiceAccount
   name: bookbuyer
   namespace: bookbuyer
 - kind: ServiceAccount
   name: bookthief
   namespace: bookthief

Re-apply the access manifest with the updates.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/access/traffic-access-v1-allow-bookthief.yaml

The counter in the bookthief window will start incrementing.

Comment out the bookthief source lines in the Traffic Target object and re-apply the Traffic Access policies:

# Re-apply original SMI TrafficTarget and HTTPRouteGroup resources
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/access/traffic-access-v1.yaml

The counter in the bookthief window will start incrementing.

Configure Traffic Split between Two Services

We will now demonstrate how to balance traffic between two Kubernetes services, commonly known as a traffic split. We will be splitting the traffic directed to the root bookstore service between the backends bookstore service and bookstore-v2 service.

Deploy bookstore v2 application

To demonstrate usage of SMI traffic access and split policies, we will now deploy version v2 of the bookstore application (bookstore-v2) - remember that if you are using openshift, you must add the security context constraint to the bookstore-v2 service account as specified in the installation guide.

# Contains the bookstore-v2 Kubernetes Service, Service Account, Deployment and SMI Traffic Target resource to allow
# bookbuyer to communicate with `bookstore-v2` pods
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/apps/bookstore-v2.yaml

Wait for the bookstore-v2 pod to be running in the bookstore namespace. Next, exit and restart the ./scripts/port-forward-all.sh script in order to access v2 of bookstore.

The counter should not be incrementing because no traffic is flowing yet to the bookstore-v2 service.

Create SMI Traffic Split

Deploy the SMI traffic split policy to direct 100 percent of the traffic sent to the root bookstore service to the bookstore service backend:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/split/traffic-split-v1.yaml

Note: The root service can be any Kubernetes service. It does not have any label selectors. It also doesn’t need to overlap with any of the Backend services specified in the Traffic Split resource. The root service can be referred to in the SMI Traffic Split resource as the name of the service with or without the .<namespace> suffix.

The count for the books sold from the bookstore-v2 browser window should remain at 0. This is because the current traffic split policy is currently weighted 100 for bookstore in addition to the fact that bookbuyer is sending traffic to the bookstore service and no application is sending requests to the bookstore-v2 service. You can verify the traffic split policy by running the following and viewing the Backends properties:

kubectl describe trafficsplit bookstore-split -n bookstore

Split Traffic to Bookstore v2

Update the SMI Traffic Split policy to direct 50 percent of the traffic sent to the root bookstore service to the bookstore service and 50 perfect to bookstore-v2 service by adding the bookstore-v2 backend to the spec and modifying the weight fields.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/split/traffic-split-50-50.yaml

Wait for the changes to propagate and observe the counters increment for bookstore and bookstore-v2 in your browser windows. Both counters should be incrementing:

Split All Traffic to Bookstore v2

Update the SMI TrafficSplit policy for bookstore Service configuring all traffic to go to bookstore-v2:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openservicemesh/osm/main/docs/example/manifests/split/traffic-split-v2.yaml

Wait for the changes to propagate and observe the counters increment for bookstore-v2 and freeze for bookstore in your browser windows:

Now, all traffic directed to the bookstore service is flowing to bookstore-v2.

Inspect Dashboards

OSM can be configured to deploy Grafana dashboards using the --deploy-grafana flag in osm install. NOTE If you still have the additional terminal still running the ./scripts/port-forward-all.sh script, go ahead and CTRL+C to terminate the port forwarding. The osm dashboard port redirection will not work simultaneously with the port forwarding script still running. The osm dashboard can be viewed with the following command:

osm dashboard

Simply navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the Grafana dashboards. The default user name is admin and the default password is admin. On the Grafana homepage click on the Home icon, you will see a folders containing dashboards for both OSM Control Plan and OSM Data Plane.