OSM ConfigMap

OSM deploys a configMap osm-config as a part of its control plane (in the same namespace as that of the osm-controller pod) which can be updated by the mesh owner/operator at any time. The purpose of this configMap is to provide the mesh owner/operator the ability to update some of the mesh configurations based on their needs.

ConfigMap Values

Key Chart Value Type Allowed Values Default Value Function
permissive_traffic_policy_mode OpenServiceMesh.enablePermissiveTrafficPolicy bool true, false "false" Setting to true, enables allow-all mode in the mesh i.e. no traffic policy enforcement in the mesh. If set to false, enables deny-all traffic policy in mesh i.e. an SMI Traffic Target is necessary for services to communicate.
egress OpenServiceMesh.enableEgress bool true, false "false" Enables egress in the mesh.
enable_debug_server OpenServiceMesh.enableDebugServer bool true, false "true" Enables a debug endpoint on the osm-controller pod to list information regarding the mesh such as proxy connections, certificates, and SMI policies.
envoy_log_level OpenServiceMesh.envoyLogLevel string trace, debug, info, warning, warn, error, critical, off "error" Sets the logging verbosity of Envoy proxy sidecar, only applicable to newly created pods joining the mesh. To update the log level for existing pods, restart the deployment with kubectl rollout restart.
prometheus_scraping OpenServiceMesh.enablePrometheusScraping bool true, false "true" Enables Prometheus metrics scraping on sidecar proxies.
service_cert_validity_duration OpenServiceMesh.serviceCertValidityDuration string 24h, 1h30m (any time duration) "24h" Sets the service certificatevalidity duration, represented as a sequence of decimal numbers each with optional fraction and a unit suffix.
tracing_enable OpenServiceMesh.tracing.enable bool true, false "false" Enables Jaeger tracing for the mesh.
tracing_address OpenServiceMesh.tracing.address string jaeger.mesh-namespace.svc.cluster.local jaeger.osm-system.svc.cluster.local Address of the Jaeger deployment, if tracing is enabled.
tracing_endpoint OpenServiceMesh.tracing.endpoint string /api/v2/spans /api/v2/spans Endpoint for tracing data, if tracing enabled.
tracing_port OpenServiceMesh.tracing.port int any non-zero integer value "9411" Port on which tracing is enabled.
use_https_ingress OpenServiceMesh.useHTTPSIngress bool true, false "false" Enables HTTPS ingress on the mesh.
outbound_ip_range_exclusion_list OpenServiceMesh.outboundIPRangeExclusionList string comma separated list of IP ranges of the form a.b.c.d/x - Global list of IP address ranges to exclude from outbound traffic interception by the sidecar proxy.
enable_privileged_init_container OpenServiceMesh.enablePrivilegedInitContainer bool true, false "false" Enables privileged init containers for pods in mesh. When false, init containers only have NET_ADMIN