Onboarding VMs to the service mesh

Status: WIP

This document describes the steps to onboard a VM to the service mesh.


  • Ubuntu VM on Azure

  • The VM’s network interface should have connectivity to the Kubernetes POD IP addresses. A service running on the VM that is a part of the service mesh will need to establish connectivity with other services in the service mesh and the OSM control plane.

    • On AKS: AKS cluster with advanced networking enabled - required for direct connectivity between K8s pods and services within the Azure VNET
  • Envoy proxy needs to be installed on the VM prior to onboarding the VM into the service mesh.

Onboarding steps

  • Extract the Envoy bootstrap configuration by running the following command

    $ osm envoy get bootstrap-config // TBD

    Copy the output to /etc/envoy/bootstrap.yaml on the VM and configure Envoy to start using this bootstrap config file. See Bootstrapping the VM with Envoy proxy section for more detailed information.

  • Bootstrap Envoy on the VM with the certificates and keys required

    Retrieve and copy the certificate chain and private key required for Envoy to participate in the service mesh

    $ kubectl -n $SERVICE_NAMESPACE get secret osm.default \ -o jsonpath='{.data.root-cert\.pem}' | base64 --decode > root-cert.pem
    $ kubectl -n $SERVICE_NAMESPACE get secret osm.default \ -o jsonpath='{.data.key\.pem}' | base64 --decode > key.pem
    $ kubectl -n $SERVICE_NAMESPACE get secret osm.default \ -o jsonpath='{.data.cert-chain\.pem}' | base64 --decode > cert-chain.pem
  • Bootstrap the VM to resolve the DNS name of the ADS cluster

    Add the POD IP address of the Aggregated Discovery Service (ADS) to the /etc/hosts file on the VM.

    For ex. if ads.osm.svc.cluster.local resolves to

    $ echo " ads.osm.svc.cluster.local" | sudo  tee -a /etc/hosts
  • Start Envoy on the VM

    At this point, the VM should connect to OSM and participate in the service mesh.

Bootstrapping the VM with Envoy proxy

Install and set up Envoy proxy

  • Install the Envoy proxy package

    $ curl -sL https://getenvoy.io/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://dl.bintray.com/tetrate/getenvoy-deb $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install -y getenvoy-envoy
  • Verify Envoy is installed

    $ envoy --version
  • Copy the Envoy boostrap configuration file osm/config/bootstrap.yaml to /etc/envoy/bootstrap.yaml Refer to Envoy - Getting Started guide for setting up the bootstrap configuration.

  • Add the hostname to IP address mapping for the xDS services in /etc/hosts file on the VM so that the envoy proxy can connect to the xDS services using their hostname specified in the bootstrap config file.

  • Configure the Envoy service by creating envoy.service file under /etc/systemd/system and register it as a service

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/envoy -c /etc/envoy/bootstrap.yaml
    $ systemctl daemon-reload
  • Set up the certificates required for mTLS between Envoy proxies and for Envoy proxy to OSM control plane communication

    • Copy osm/demo/certificates/* to /etc/certs/ on the VM
    • Copy osm/bin/cert.pem, osm/bin/key.pem to /etc/ssl/certs/ on the VM
  • Start Envoy proxy

    $ systemctl start envoy
  • Check /var/log/syslog if you encounter issues with Envoy

  • Copy and run the bookstore app osm/demo/bin/bookstore on the VM

More experimentation here